Get Site Collections per Content Database one-liner
This will be a very short post, as it contains only 1 line of PowerShell code, and is not very hard to understand. It shows you all content databases, and for each of the content databases, it will show you the site collections within this content database.
Get-SPContentDatabase | %{Write-Output "- $($_.Name)”; foreach($site in $_.sites){write-Output $site.url}} |
That wasn’t so bad right? Just copy and paste this code into your SharePoint 2010 Management Shell (As administrator), and let PowerShell do your work for you!
Now let’s say you want to save this output to a .txt file, you can add “> C:\sitecollections.txt”.
The full command would be:
Get-SPContentDatabase | %{Write-Output "- $($_.Name)”; foreach($site in $_.sites){write-Output $site.url}} > C:\sitecollections.txt |
This would create a .txt file with the same information:
That’s all there is to it!
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